What are the 3 foods you should eat everyday?

Green leafy vegetables, such as spinach, kale, fresh lettuce, and others, are a great way to increase the portion sizes of your meal without actually increasing the calories you consume. Eggs are high in protein and healthy fats.

What are the 3 foods you should eat everyday?

Green leafy vegetables, such as spinach, kale, fresh lettuce, and others, are a great way to increase the portion sizes of your meal without actually increasing the calories you consume. Eggs are high in protein and healthy fats. So, here's a list of 10 everyday superfoods that are easy to eat and find that make eating healthy simple and delicious. All berries are great sources of fiber, a nutrient that most Americans don't get enough of.

Fiber helps keep the digestive system healthy and functioning properly, maintains a feeling of satiety and is good for the heart. All berries are good for you, so be sure to mix them together. In winter, when berries aren't in season, take frozen berries (without sweeteners) and use them in smoothies, oatmeal, or even thawed in yogurt. Raspberries (one of the best breakfast foods for weight loss) have the most fiber, 8 grams per cup, and also contain ellagic acid, a compound with anti-cancer properties.

The same amount of blueberries has half the fiber (4 grams), but it's packed with anthocyanins, antioxidants that can help keep your memory sharp as you age. A cup of strawberries contains 3 grams of fiber, but more than the recommended dose for a full day of vitamin C. Oats are a breakfast staple and a superfood. Eating more oatmeal is an easy way to increase fiber intake and makes for a filling breakfast.

In addition, oats are a whole grain and natural oats have no added sugar. For a superfood meal or snack, start with plain oatmeal and turn it into things like blueberry oatmeal pies, homemade granola to enjoy with fruit and yogurt, or homemade energy snacks with peanut butter. Yogurt contains probiotics or good bacteria that help keep our intestines healthy. Just 1 cup of yogurt provides almost half of the recommended daily value of calcium and provides phosphorus, potassium, zinc, riboflavin, vitamin B12 and proteins.

Choose Greek-style yogurt to increase protein even more and, whenever possible, go for the natural one. Flavoured yogurts tend to have a lot of added sugar that adds calories without needing to nourish. While superfoods may not have a quantifiable definition, foods labeled as such are healthy enough to be eaten every day. Superfoods aren't just delicious, they're packed with health-boosting nutrients and antioxidants.

So, top the oatmeal with berries, add sweet potatoes to a bowl of cereal, eat some nuts as a snack, and take advantage of the benefits of superfoods every day. Green leafy vegetables are often overlooked as a food source, but they have a wide range of vitamins and nutrients that make them a great addition to any meal. People who eat leafy green vegetables tend to live longer and healthier. Nuts are high in protein and fat, making them perfect for people looking for healthy foods to eat every day.