What 2 foods can you survive on?

Like berries, most beans are highly nutritious. Black (turtle), red (kidney), Pinto and soy top the lists of so-called superfoods by many nutritionists.

What 2 foods can you survive on?

Like berries, most beans are highly nutritious. Black (turtle), red (kidney), Pinto and soy top the lists of so-called superfoods by many nutritionists. It's probably the best source of calcium and iron on the island. Beans are also a versatile island food because, once dry, they can be preserved for a long time.

And if you're alone on the island, why worry about flatulence? While most leafy greens will do you good, kale is particularly rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber. You can boil the stalks for a simple vegetable broth. Kale was obtained from wild cabbage and its close cousins include broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, cabbage, cabbage, rutabaga, mustard and rapini. Like berries, melons are tasty and nutritious.

Although it has a little sugar, it's too good a source of vitamins A and C and potassium to pass up. Its lack of fat and its low glycemic load index make melon a slightly better choice than bananas. Choose if they are available for pick up. Few foods match berries in terms of flavor, vitamin content and antioxidant power.

To this list add kiwi, once called Chinese gooseberry, but modified for marketing reasons. Kiwis have more vitamin C than oranges and almost as much potassium as a banana. Beware of poisonous berries, such as holly, Franken Berry and Boo Berry. Even the laziest of us can harvest what is carried away by the water.

Seaweed, alaria and lava (kombu, wakame and nori in Japanese cuisine) are among the most common. Algae are loaded with vitamins and minerals. Once dry, it will also last for months. Algae are a common part of the Asian diet, and most Japanese households have four or five types available.

Even if you avoid sushi, you've eaten seaweed in ice cream. Irish moss (carrageenan) is a thickening agent. Both hard and soft grains are great survival foods. Hard grains include buckwheat, kamut, millet, dried corn, wheat and spelt, and soft grains include barley, oats, quinoa, and rye.

Properly stored hard grains can last up to 12 years, while soft grains can last up to eight years. According to the Minnesota Department of Health, these unprocessed grains also contain disease-fighting chemicals, which are even more beneficial during times of famine and disaster, when medical care may not be as available. The best food to live for is human breast milk, it has all the nutrients our body needs, that's why babies grow so fast. Other foods to live by are potatoes, beans, kale, fat, mix of nuts, eggs, seaweed, coconut, meat and salmon.

Humans are omnivorous, meaning we need a varied diet to survive. In theory, you could survive simply by eating potatoes, milk and oats, but not eating just one type of food. If you've eaten so much of a food that you've gotten sick and you could never eat it again, this is what could happen if you relied on just one food to survive. It's not a good idea to eat the same food every day, although in a major SHTF situation, you're probably only dependent on one or two types of food to survive.

When you eat any type of new food that you have never eaten before, your body will try to digest it as much as possible, it will remember the types of nutrients contained in the food and, in this way, it can cause cravings if you are deficient in some minerals, vitamins and even salt. One way to store food is to buy a large, 5-gallon food-grade bucket that can be sealed at the local hardware store. .